Open Box Concept. Design. Production. Fri, 22 Dec 2023 08:01:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Open Box 32 32 Designing commercial spaces Thu, 21 Dec 2023 18:36:02 +0000 Introduction: The Power of Space

In the world of commercial design, the power of space lies not only in its physical dimensions but also in its ability to influence emotions and behaviours. Just as light can transform a room, space determines how individuals interact with their environment. The arrangement of furniture and fixtures, coupled with the flow of movement through space, can evoke a sense of openness, intimacy, freedom, or confinement. It’s akin to orchestrating a symphony, where every element contributes to creating a harmonious whole.

Think of space as a canvas awaiting the artist’s brushstrokes; it offers endless possibilities for storytelling and evoking mood. A well-crafted spatial design has the potential to inspire imagination and innovation while nurturing social connections. Whether the soaring ceiling height lifts spirits or the cosy nooks that beckon introspection, each detail contributes to an immersive experience for those who inhabit these designed spaces.

Understanding Functionality: Form Follows Function

In the mesmerising dance of architecture and design, the primal mantra form follows function as an everlasting serenade. Envision a space like a complex orchestral symphony, where every note and rhythm is masterfully woven to create an opus of functionality. Just as a graceful ballerina’s body seamlessly mirrors the music’s ebb and flow, so should a commercial space harmonise with its purpose.

Unlocking the enigma of functionality leads us into a realm where furniture isn’t merely something to sit on—it becomes an organic extension of human interaction. Imagine chairs as storytellers, engaging in dialogues with occupants, coaxing them to settle in and be part of the unfolding narrative within a commercial space. This understanding allows the design to become an ethereal conductor orchestrating user experiences that resonate deeply within the fibres of one’s being.

Embracing Aesthetics: Beauty with Purpose

In commercial design, aesthetics should not merely be ornamental; it must wield purpose. Imagine a lobby adorned with sleek, minimalist furniture, its clean lines echoing efficiency and professionalism. Each element serves a dual function – endorsing an ambience of sophistication while facilitating seamless traffic flow. Beauty is not just in the eye of the beholder here; it’s an intentional language communicating with visitors before they even utter a word.

A vibrant retail space isn’t just about dazzling displays and trendy decor; it’s a carefully choreographed dance between artistry and functionality. The visual appeal should beckon customers into a sensory journey where each nook narrates tantalising stories through colour palettes, textures, and lighting schemes. A place where beauty becomes more than skin deep, integrating harmoniously with practicality to create an immersive experience for patrons. This fusion of creativity and utility lies in the heartening embrace of aesthetics – elevating spaces from physical constructs to living canvases teeming with purposeful allure.

Creating Atmosphere: Evoking Emotions Through Design

Step into a serene café, and you’re enveloped by the warm embrace of soft lighting, earthy hues, and the lingering aroma of freshly ground coffee. Every nook whispers tranquillity, inviting patrons to unwind in the cosy ambience. The marriage of rustic wooden furniture with delicate botanical accents sets the stage for an experience transcending mere consumption. Here, design isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a language that speaks to our subconscious, evoking emotions of comfort and contentment.

In contrast, picture a vibrant co-working space pulsating with energy and creativity. Bold pops of colour pop against sleek, modern furnishings, igniting a sense of motivation in every corner. The air crackles with productivity as individuals blend into this dynamic atmosphere where innovation thrives on every meticulously curated detail. It’s not just about providing physical space but crafting an environment that fuels determination and sparks ingenuity within each occupant.

Maximising Productivity: Designing for Efficiency

In the bustling hive of commercial spaces, maximising productivity is the Holy Grail. Imagine a space that breathes energy, where every nook and cranny hums purposefully. The architecture becomes a dance partner to efficiency, flowing seamlessly from one area to another like a well-choreographed ballet. Employees navigate through this living organism, finding harmony in their tasks as they move through fluid pathways designed for collaboration and innovation.

Efficiency doesn’t just stop at physical design; it permeates every detail of the workspace. The colour palette becomes an orchestra playing on emotions – stimulating creativity with bold hues and offering tranquillity through soft pastels. Lighting isn’t merely functional; it’s a maestro orchestrating mood swings – brightening during busy periods and dimming during times of introspection. Every piece of furniture isn’t just a fixture but an ensemble cast working towards ergonomic support and aesthetic allure in equal measure. When each element plays its part exquisitely, productivity becomes not just an outcome but a natural consequence of the symphony within these commercial walls.

The Psychology of Color and Layout

In commercial interior design, colour and layout hold the power to shape human emotions and behaviours. The strategic use of colours can evoke varying responses, from calmness induced by soothing blues to the vibrancy provoked by energetic reds. This psychological impact extends to spatial layout, where furniture and fixtures can facilitate flow or create barriers within a space. Every angle, line, and curve plays a dance with our subconscious, directing our movements and influencing our mood.

Consider how warm hues like orange and yellow stimulate restaurant appetite or how soft pastels promote relaxation in spas. Additionally, placing focal points or pathways within a room can guide individuals towards desired areas while highlighting essential products or services. Such meticulous attention to colour psychology and spatial design creates an inviting atmosphere and serves as a silent influencer, shaping consumer experiences without them even realising it. It’s akin to orchestrating a symphony using visual cues, where every shade and position harmonises to conduct an immersive sensory journey for patrons.

Conclusion: Crafting Memorable Experiences

As the final brushstroke on the canvas of commercial space design, the conclusion should echo the melody of harmony and leave a lingering impression that transcends time. It’s about crafting an experience that lingers in the psyche like a haunting sonnet, drawing people back with its irresistible pull. Think of it as orchestrating a symphony where every note and every detail sings together perfectly to create an unforgettable opus.

Crafting memorable experiences is akin to composing poetry for the soul — it’s not just about what is seen but what is felt; not just what is heard but what resonates deep within. It’s weaving a tapestry of emotional connectivity where every thread tells its own story, and yet, collectively, they form an enchanting narrative. The atmosphere should speak volumes without uttering a single word, enveloping visitors in an embrace that whispers secrets only their hearts can decipher. A well-designed commercial space doesn’t just showcase products or services; it unveils fragments of dreams and aspirations veiled in captivating allure.

Designing booths for exhibitions: creating a spectacular design experience Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:26:17 +0000 Booth design is an essential and creative process carried out as part of preparing exhibitions and commercial events. Booth design allows companies to express their products and services in a spectacular and eye-catching way, improving visitors’ attention and encouraging engagement and communication with the products. The booth design process includes planning and building the booths, selecting materials and designing the display, and creating effects and assembling the final display.

Pavilions for exhibitions are designed by experts in exhibition design and industrial designers who specialize in this field. The experts work with the client to understand his ideas and goals and turn them into a spectacular display and visitor experience. Designing booths for exhibitions combines art, design, and understanding the marketing and sales processes. The goal is to create a unique and spectacular display experience highlighting the company’s products and brand. Choosing the right supplier to manage and produce the booth until the final result is critical to success.

Choosing a budget-friendly but unique design that will attract potential customers to close deals is crucial.

Careful preliminary planning and design and the combination of several materials while ensuring the uncompromising quality of the construction of the pavilion is the secret to the success of the event. An exciting and successful design is a significant factor in the exhibition’s success. The ability to understand the unique needs of each customer and the brand language is the formula for a spectacular and exciting visitor experience that translates into closing deals and a significant increase in quality leads for the company.

Product simulations Sun, 18 Apr 2021 13:22:24 +0000 Product simulations today are standard for any entrepreneur, industrial designer, jewellery designer or anyone with an idea or concept for a product and wants to present it to investors. Product simulations have enormous power to continue the development of the product you wish to reach. Good product simulations serve as a worthy substitute for real still images that require the steps of a photographer and the production of the shot on a concentrated shooting day. In product simulation, as soon as we have built the studio environment and the lighting in which the product is placed, we can perform simulations for the product with a much faster and more economical output to change angles and materials and create different effects. Product simulations are a tool for visualizations of advanced medical equipment, sports shoes, cars of the future, etc. From this, we learn that the field of product visualization has become a standard in the industry and provides a 3D illustration for a wide variety of fields and products under different lighting conditions and materials.

Colour Meaning in Branding Sun, 18 Apr 2021 11:31:02 +0000 The colour blue in business branding: blue is perceived as an excellent, reliable colour that can be trusted, linked to the sea and the sky, radiating depth, stability, security,

and intelligence. It helps the soul, relaxes, and slows down the rate of metabolism. A popular colour among financial institutions.

The colour red in business branding: red activates the pituitary gland, an energetic, provocative colour, danger, power, determination, passion, love, and courage. It’s a very striking colour.

The colour green in business branding conveys health, harmony and growth, freshness, calmness, and peace. Spit has healing properties and improves vision. Green has different meanings in its various shades; for example, deep green conveys luxury, while light green conveys calmness.

The colour yellow in business branding: yellow is associated with the sun. Thus, it is associated with optimism, warmth, joy, pleasure and vigour, respect and loyalty. Certain shades of yellow stimulate thought and creativity. The eye notices bright yellow shades before any other colour, a feature well utilized in signage at points of sale. At the same time, excessive use of yellow provokes nervousness.

The colour purple in business branding: Purple is seen as an exciting, sensual, creative, flashy, unique colour, sophistication, spirituality, mystery and the royal family. The purple colour conveys nostalgia, delicacy, and sweetness. Favourite colour to get creativity.

The colour pink in business branding: light pink is perceived as a soft, romantic, sweet, childish, and gentle colour. Dark pink transmits energy, joy, playfulness, excitement, sensuality, warmth, lightness. Recommended colour for fashionable products for women or girls, but not for luxury products.

The colour orange in business branding combines the energy of red and the joy of yellow.

Cheerful colour is associated with abundance, success, joy, fun, vitality, sociability, juice, stimulation, and unique fragrance. Orange increases oxygen consumption in the brain. Works well with food businesses, restaurants, health businesses and beauty salons.

The beige brown colour in business branding: Beige brown conveys simplicity, durability and stability. Natural colour, soft and pleasant. Terracotta brown, a warm earthy colour, rustic, welcoming. Colour is associated with traditional industry due to being similar to the colour of earth.

The colour black in business branding: black is seen as a powerful, elegant, mysterious, brave, classic, heavy, primary, luxurious, and magical colour. It works well with expensive products but can also convey the impression of a rich effect.

The charcoal grey colour in business branding: dark grey is seen as a powerful, professional, classic, expensive, sophisticated, stable, balanced, timeless colour

Silver colour in business branding: silver is seen as a classic, cool, expensive, valuable colour, associated with money (wealth)

The colour white in business branding: white conveys simplicity, cleanliness, and purity, linked to the light of innocence, virginity, safety and cleanliness. The bright white colour catches the eye immediately. Useful in baby and health products.

The branding process Fri, 02 Apr 2021 11:48:56 +0000 Do you want to open a business? Beauty.
Do you have a good, high-quality product, whether it’s a physical product or a service of one kind or another, and you’re sure
you’ll succeed? Excellent
What about your competitors? Are they successful? What do they look like? Why are they successful? What is unique
about them? Is it possible to bypass them just like that?
This is another simple situation because what happens when there are no competitors? How will you market your product? What is he
supposed to broadcast? Who is he addressing? How do you do that?
So that’s it, that’s what we’re here for.

Branding is designed to distill the DNA of your company and make it accessible
to the target audience pleasantly and correctly. So, how do you make it accessible to the target audience? Well, in several ways:
Strategy – in the strategic process, we find main points that comprise all business values. We analyse what each word means at each point and where we want to go. During
the construction of the business branding strategy, we determine what sets us apart, what worldview we
adopt and how we will express it practically and visually.
Visibility – all the visual elements that will be identified with the company, such as: colours, fonts,
careful selection of a photo bank, a particular grid for ads, etc. When we create a rich
and focused visual language and do not scatter, we strengthen the branding presence of our business. Correct visibility
reinforces the brand’s values ​​and worldview.
Differentiation – the so-called USP (unique selling point ). We analyze the industry and find
vital points that distinguish the business from the other competitors in the market. If we do not find anything significant, we can
Think of a move that will move the customer to action by developing a marketing move that will be unique to the business.
Assimilation in the marketing media is an essential part of the business branding process. We
must carefully examine where to advertise and what to present in the advertisement. It is important to advertise in an exact place
that provides a kind of link between the business and its target audience.
Although most people will say that business branding deals mainly with vision words and definitions, we
believe that business branding must include the whole. To reach people not only through words but also through
actions that reinforce everything we want to say.

Everything you wanted to know about designing commercial spaces Fri, 02 Apr 2021 11:48:53 +0000 When was the last time you walked into a store and said “wow”? Have you sat down in a café or restaurant, and the look of the place was the one that caught your eye? Just as home design took the world by storm, more and more businesses invest in commercial or commercial space design – for diverse purposes such as creating a pleasant atmosphere, branding the company and attracting customers, or turning the business into a real home!

Of course, as there are many differences between the various businesses, so also commercial design changes according to every need of the business or its customers. Stand design is different from store design; between the design and planning of cafés and restaurants to the design of bakeries, there are many differences, and the list goes on – but the moment we want to create the ideal space, the important highlights and the professional work all along the way, certainly remind each other!

So, what will we focus on in planning and designing commercial spaces? And how do we choose the most suitable design for each space? All the answers are in front of you!

Know the area

When we say “know the area” we mean in-depth knowledge, as we know the back of our hands! The environment and the place where our commercial space is located is not only a source of inspiration for the entire design – it contains quite a bit of strategy. Before any process of designing commercial spaces, we will thoroughly research everything related to the environment – we always want our store, office, café or bakery, for example, to be more impressive than those of the competitors, more prominent and more inviting.

At the same time, we cannot ignore the fact that the business must belong as naturally as possible to the environment in which it is located, suitable for the target audience, the future customers – and no less important, the business must transmit the message we wanted to convey and look exactly as we always dreamed! It is definitely a big challenge, but comprehensive research and in-depth analysis before the actual design will turn every challenge into a possible goal and a feasible goal!

Meet the needs of the business.

After getting to know the area, the competitors and everything that surrounds the business – it’s definitely time to look inside! The design of commercial spaces places great emphasis on practice and responding to the various needs of both the business and its customers:

Designing and planning cafés and restaurants, for example, emphasizing atmosphere, and comfort and creating the ideal hospitality experience – so that it will accompany the service you strive to provide and of course, the rich dishes that will be served there.

With the design of booths, known as small commercial spaces, we will create an eye-catching display that will make anyone who did not necessarily plan to look at the booth, or purchase one of its products, stop and consider it.

Even in-store design or bakery design, we will, of course, invest in the display and the showcase – and we will choose a commercial strategy that will make it easier to maintain order and organization, always! At every moment when the business works and serves its customers.

Maintain aesthetics

Alongside the practice and as an inseparable part of commercial design – aesthetics are critical for any business! To create an aesthetic space that is pleasing to the eye, it is necessary to pay the utmost attention to all the small details: the natural light throughout the hours of the day to the artificial lighting, air conditioning and the correct utilization of the various infrastructures, precise matching of the furniture and the multiple items to the size of the space and more.

In addition, we will take into account the natural wear and tear of each of the design elements and the furniture – and choose the highest quality and most durable raw materials. The various items we choose to use in the design of commercial spaces will match each other and add to the place and the feeling in it – therefore, we will always try to avoid “overloading” and alongside aesthetics, we will be careful about practicality and elegance.

Add creativity, uniqueness and colour

In addition to aesthetics, you can’t ignore the colours and colours in the design of commercial spaces! For every space and business, the colour and colours that will suit and compliment it – when the possibilities for creativity, a unique touch, interest and differentiation, as well as creating a unique atmosphere through the use of colours are endless!

With a professional eye, we choose not only the colours themselves but also the most accurate and suitable shades – for lighting, furniture, the various items and everything that is in the space itself.

Designing commercial spaces – much more than a first impression

“You only make a first impression once” is a saying that is important to remember. Booth design, store design, bakery design, café and restaurant design and planning, similar to home styling or office design – are a fun and safe way to create that long-awaited and special impression!

We at Open Box plan, create and design pavilions and commercial spaces – in Israel and worldwide. We will be happy to offer solutions, develop ideas, research, plan and realize every vision of you and your business! We invite you to contact us for more information about commercial space design and any of our services.

Designing a sales booth in the mall Fri, 02 Apr 2021 11:48:48 +0000

Your business has grown, and you want to expand to more customers. You have decided to open a branch of your business in the mall, but you are debating whether to rent a store or open a sales stand.

The decision whether to open a store or a sales stand has several considerations that need to be taken into account:

The type of business and its needs – if it is an intimate clothing store, for example, it will sometimes be necessary to have stock available and allow buyers to measure the clothes in private measuring rooms, so we will prefer a store. On the other hand, if it is small jewellery, you can be satisfied with the stand.

Location in every commercial centre, there are areas that are considered “stronger”, meaning that they have a more significant natural movement of people compared to other places. For example, the lower floors closest to the entrance gates will be busier, and the shops on these floors will be more accessible to shoppers. It is understood that stores located in such areas will be more in demand, more attractive and probably occupied for longer periods of time and will not always be available in the desired time period.

Costs the more attractive the store is and the larger the area, the more expensive it will be.

Design it must be taken into account that the design of the store affects its visibility and attracts more buyers to enter the store, get an impression and eventually buy. Design costs are affected by the size of the store the type of business, and its goals.

It may be that your business has a suitable booth!

In recent years, the trend of booths in the mall is gaining significant momentum, and it can be seen that more and more booths are being added in many areas of the mall. This trend meets the needs of both parties – the mall owners who wish to utilize additional commercial space in the mall and the business owners who wish to reach an additional audience of buyers while reducing the costs of maintaining large stores in attractive and busy areas.

The advantages of the booth are clear: natural movement of people who are exposed to the products of the booth owners, being in 360 degrees so that the booth can be seen from all directions, making the products accessible to customers, attracting customers who are on their way to another store or those who, if the booth was not in front of them, would not have chosen to enter the store Especially and many other benefits.

Many business owners, from a variety of fields and occupations, choose stalls over stores, you can find very diverse stalls in the field of food, jewelry, cosmetics, clothing and footwear, grooming and more.

Thoughtful planning and design of your booth will help you use the space most beneficially and correctly to display as many of your products as possible and attract as many new customers as possible. Our experience and our ability to see the big picture allow us to meet the varied and numerous needs of every business and to make a personalized and optimal adjustments for you and your customers.

We have designed booths for our clients in the past that allowed them to present their products optimally, utilize the space in the best possible way, bring buyers into the booth if necessary for measurements or adjustments and help them make the customer feel as if he were inside a store and not lose the comfort. In other cases, we replaced the old shelves with modular hanging inside and out, provided a striking and innovative design and planned a presentation of the products at eye level.

Through our suitable designs, we have given our clients the tools to attract customers, increase sales, please buyers and reduce expenses. We will know how to listen, understand the goal and design an attractive and profitable stand for you. Do not compromise on a smart and correct design of your sales stand.

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SHOP DESIGN ATTRACTIVE AND INVITING DESIGN TO INCREASE SALES Tue, 23 Mar 2021 08:54:37 +0000 The goal of every store, even if it offers many ancillary services, is ultimately to sell. To reach the goal, you can hire salespeople, create advertising campaigns, promotions, benefits, a customer club and more. But another effective and creative way that you may not have thought of, is store design!

The principle is simple: an attractive and visual appearance will draw more and more customers in, to the store, which increases the potential for sales. At the same time, the experience we gained at Open Box over the years taught us that store design also includes branding, differentiation, planning, strategy and practice. So, how do you do it right? We will be happy to share with you a number of fascinating highlights:

Each store is unique

We wholeheartedly believe in the uniqueness of each store. But at the same time, it is hard to ignore the great competition in the various fields and the fact that many stores sell similar goods. Store interior design emphasizes the unique character of the store, as well as the unique character of its customers! Naturally, there are fundamental differences between the design of small and large stores, the design of jewelry stores and the design of clothing stores, the design of containers and the design of luxury stores, the design of a falafel shop and the design of a pizza – and these are just simple and clear examples. Therefore, there is a need to give each store the appearance that suits it, an atmosphere that its customers will enjoy, in accordance with the field in which it deals but with a touch that is unique only to it – so that the interest and curiosity on the part of the functional customers, will come naturally!

Size does not matter

Designing small stores for example – is a big challenge! But if we meet it successfully, we will turn the disadvantage into an advantage and plan and design the store so that a faster shopping experience is possible. If it is about the design of luxury stores, as well as the design of jewellery stores or the creation of clothing stores – we will emphasize the high quality of each and every product – and we will create a pleasant space to stay and improve the service experience! It is extremely important at the start of work to carefully examine the space and its boundaries, as well as the various operations that will be carried out in it each working day.

Designing stores or creating a brand?

You don’t have to choose between design and branding when you can do both! In the design of small or large stores, the design of luxury stores and stores intended for everyone alike, there is a lot of room for branding! As part of the design process, we chose a colour scheme that would match the store, its products, and even the store’s logo. In addition, maintaining a uniform appearance, a relaxed atmosphere and attention to detail, along with the service in the store and the shopping experience, will definitely contribute to the entire branding as well.

Differentiation, planning, strategy and everything in between

An integral part of designing stores with Open Box is our service and professionalism. The final result of our work is of course, a spectacularly designed store. On the way to the goal or destination and together with you, of course, every possible need is answered – planning for a perfect practice, differentiation that will make you stand out in the most flattering way, presenting the goods in a convenient and efficient manner, a strategy for the customer experience and more.

More information on store interior design, small store design, luxury store design, jewellery, clothing and more, as well as container design, explosion design, falafel shop design and a variety of food types – waiting for you now on our website! Welcome to visit!

THE UNIQUE EXPERIENCE FOR YOUR CUSTOMERS DESIGNING RESTAURANTS AND CAFES Tue, 29 Aug 2017 08:25:32 +0000 “Eating out”, sitting in cafés or dining in a restaurant, are among the most available and most enjoyable pastimes. For cafés and restaurants, food and drinks of all kinds in a variable price range so that everyone, without much effort, will easily find “his place”. The design of restaurants and cafés adds to the delicious experience and the service experience – the whole atmosphere! And more than once, that desired experience is the one that attracts the customers the first time – and even makes them come back again and again.

Breakfast or a light evening drink?

The time of day when the diners arrive is of great importance. Therefore, we will devote significance to the subject throughout the entire process of planning a café or restaurant and the design of restaurants and cafés. In the morning, we would like a sunny and bright morning atmosphere – which we would prefer to create with as much natural light as possible. Even in the design of a restaurant for an elegant lunch or dinner, the most flattering lighting is chosen, which suits the restaurant’s character to the diners, like most of the events that take place during these hours.

Restaurant and café design – trendy, classic and more

Trendy or classic is one of the recurring questions in the design world. Like her, debates between homey and warm and urban, colourful or neutral and more – come up repeatedly. The good news is, all options are correct! According to the nature of the business and its owners, the heart of the customers and the general vision – this is also how all café and restaurant planning will be done and of course, everything related to the design of restaurants and cafés.

The Seating complex – the most pleasant there is!

A seating area, such that customers will enjoy staying in it, is no less important than the food itself and the service! After all, the Seating complex significantly affects the whole atmosphere! When planning a café or restaurant, we will emphasize the size of the seating area so that it will be practical enough for the comfort of the staff and all customers but with maximum utilization of the space. In the design of restaurants and cafés, which will accompany the ideal size and practicality, we will emphasize the visibility of the premises, the comfort of the furniture, desirable colours, an attractive feeling of warmth and more!

Fast food restaurant design – with or without a seating area?

Alongside the classic cafes and restaurants, we will not forget the fast food, which is becoming more and more popular in the restaurant world! When designing fast food restaurants, first of all we will make sure that the restaurant, by its name, can deliver the food quickly – with a practical and comfortable design. Also, we will invest in all the small details at the counter and the checkout area – the first impression and the place where the food order is made. If the design of fast food restaurants includes a seating area, we will of course design it in such a way that it will create a desire to sit there for a long time. Even if, naturally, the customer will not stay there for long hours, it will definitely encourage him to visit the restaurant again!

Restaurant interior design, cafe design and more – Open Box

If you dream of a restaurant or a winning cafe design, we at Open Box have the experience and the tools to make your dream come true! Feel free to contact us for more details.


Imagine for a moment your ultimate vacation: whether urban or in nature, next to the beaches or next to the landscapes, together with loved ones, surely the place where you will stay during the vacation is also in front of your eyes! In Israel, as well as around the world, interior design for small apartments and their conversion to holiday apartments is gaining momentum! Designing small apartments in attractive locations and renting them out for leisure and tourism needs, an economic potential that cannot be ignored – and there is no doubt that your future guests will also definitely appreciate the investment.

A small apartment that has everything – one room apartment design

Most people will agree that 25 to 30 meters is a small space for living, but for a short stay, during which the guests will spend time outside anyway – a small and well-designed apartment will definitely do the job. Designing a studio apartment, designing a 30-meter apartment and designing a 25-meter apartment requires precision and planning, because the furniture must be small and comfortable – to provide a feeling of spaciousness as much as possible and without missing anything in the apartment. Of course, even a small apartment will be extremely attractive with decorations, design elements, pictures and art pieces – which can be hung on the walls or placed in the space.

A little more space – interior design for small apartments

Even when it comes to a little more than designing a one-room apartment – designing a small 50-meter apartment, or designing a 60-meter apartment, usually 2-3 rooms, there is definitely a challenge. The guests in your vacation apartment will feel at home, as the apartment resembles more and more ‘home’ – comfortable sofas in the living room, curtains, a small dining area, a TV and a fully equipped kitchen – are examples of a one-time investment, which will completely upgrade the hospitality experience! Besides, as we know, gentle and happy colors, natural or artificial lighting and highlighting a window with a great view – will give the apartment a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

Garden apartment design – green nature at the entrance of the apartment

The comfortable climate of the State of Israel makes you want to sit outside, in the open air! Apart from apartment interior design, garden apartment design also focuses on the exterior of your invested property. There is a demand for pleasant and inviting sitting areas where you can also spend time outside – and they will definitely attract many guests! Garden furniture is different from the furniture of the interior of the apartment, the lighting must match total darkness or the street lights – and even as part of interior design for small apartments, more than once we see how the garden and the view in it, really integrate with the interior of the apartment! Professional garden apartment design will highlight all of these and make the apartment extremely unique.

So, which apartment would you like to design today?

Luxury apartment design or garden apartment design? Small or large apartment design? Each apartment has the ideal design for it and a hidden potential or discovery to become a dream holiday apartment! If you are debating about converting your apartment into a vacation apartment at the highest level, we at Open Box will be happy to advise and assist, always!
